Bitcoin Pre-History - Digital Money

Bitcoin Pre-History - Digital Money

To understand Bitcoin its important to understand the pre-history and relevance of the technological, privacy, cryptography and enhancements in digital money over the years until Satoshi's discovery/invention of Bitcoin.

Satoshi combined multiple technologies and focused on failures of previous attempts to reach perfect, sound money.

Problem = Corruption in Central Banking


When - 1983

What - eCash (eCash by Digicash Inc)

Who - David Chaum

How - Blind Signature Technology

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Centralised + David Chaum wasn't a great businessman + no market for it.

The server it was hosted on also stored Cyberbucks that were being used at the time.. when switched off killing that project also - Cyberbucks had 100m total supply and were being used and gaining momentum at the time the Digicash server was switched off.


When - 1994

What - Cybercash

Who - Daniel C Lynch

How - Online Wallet + CyberCoin a micropayment system

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Product/Market Fit, Y2K Bug issue then Chapter 11 2001


When - 1996

What - E gold

Who - Douglas Jackson & Barry Downey

How - Backed by Gold

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Centralisation, Counter Party Risk etc


When - 1997

What - Hashcash

Who - Adam Back

How - POW

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - it didn't, its a fundamental PART of Bitcoin


When - 1998

What - B-money

Who - Wei Dai

How - POW + All participants govern all transactions

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Never offically launched - white paper only


When - 1998

What - Bit-gold

Who - Nick Szabo

How - Decentralised, blockchain (time-stamped blocks), POW, cryptography, mining would vary over time, unlimited number of units

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Never implemented


When - 2004

What - RPOW

Who - Hal Finney

How - Using Adam Back's PoW and HashCash with security that uses servers that allow users to verify correctness sin real time.

Why (did it fail to be Bitcoin) - Could not solve the double spend problem


When - 2004+

What - Various online retail currencies during the dot com bubble. Video games currencies, Diablo 2 (special mention)

Notable other electronic payment systems

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